Monday, July 06, 2009 slightly recharged.
today is the first day of term 3. i can't believe my one week break had past ! and its definitely scary to think that its july now !!! oh god, half a year had just gone like that. i think this is the fastest half a year i had in my life ! like seriously. but i guess this is also a half a year that i had gain and experience the most for all my life.
first and second day of break was drinking and sentosa.
most of the pics are on fb and seriously i find no point blogging now.
happyhappy. i really have to admit i haven't been enjoying myself this much for a hell long time. and i really have to stop overeating and puking everything out when i'm damn hungry. LOL.
monday was muaythai, tues and wed interning, wed night was a small gathering with the girls. thurs was resuscitation's opening. its great! and thanks to all friends that came ! and the first meeting of thursday evenings too ! sat was queenstown and ikea with ser, got my new running shoes! and had ikea food !
ok. i realize i've been very not focus for the past one month. well. now breath in. and hang on there. i shall really focus on work work work ! 4 more weeks and internship will be over! thursday evenings will be damn exciting ! muay thai class, back on some serious running for half marathon, preparing for my final collection, and i want some partying now and then ! i shall bring some fun to my life now but not forgetting how to be damn focus. that superhuman yunting must hang on there. (:
{9:32:00 pm}